Welcome to another important year of the Methodist Girls High School Old Girls Association UK Branch as we celebrate our 40th Anniversary. I am honoured and privileged to assume the role of President of MGHS OGA UK Branch (2019 – 2021).
I am committed to making positive changes so that we can increase our membership and increase members participation. I also intend to improve the library facilities at the Methodist Girls High School Freetown with your support.
Our first venture was the successful luncheon sale event held in April 2019. The success was realised because of the active participation of our members and friends of MGHS. We thank you all for your unflinching support.
It is our goal to push forward our membership drive. I want to take this opportunity to encourage all members to renew their yearly subscription and non-members to register. Your moral and financial support will ensure we give the needed support to our alma mater.
I am grateful to my predecessor, Mrs Muriel Soalla-Bell for her leadership and outstanding contributions to MGHS OGA UK Branch during her tenure and the members of all past Executive for their devoted service. I am inspired by their commitment and achievements. Indeed, the growth of MGHS OGA has been propelled collectively by our active members and the dynamic leadership of previous Presidents and Executive members. I look forward to continuing this vital work towards fulfilling our objectives of MGHS OGA UK Branch.
With the current formidable team, I am confident that we will be addressing the pressing challenges. In the next two years our accomplishments will be manifested in the lives of the girls at Methodist Girls High School Freetown.
To all our patrons, who have been very supportive over the years, we want to thank you immensely and we are grateful for your continuous support.
To all our founding members and members who have hit a membership milestone, I want to thank you for your tremendous support over the years. Long may you live. As we celebrate our 40th Anniversary I would welcome a paragraph from our first President of this noble association Mrs. Millicent England.
Current President and first President MGHS OGA UK
“It is with great pleasure, pride and a huge sense of achievement that in my 97th year- I can send you this congratulatory message as a founder member, and 1st President of MGHS OGA UK Branch, in our 40th year of operation. it is very gratifying to observe that the association continues to thrive and uphold the good works and foundations laid down by founder members. Over the years, I have always been there, in the background, ready to advise all members and the executive as and when required. Going forward, it is my greatest wish that the association continues to embed the team spirit forged by founder members in 1979 and continues to work as a team to maintain our success to date, perpetuate our longevity and always remember the values instilled in us by our alma mater in order to secure our future aims and goals. With Gods’ blessings, ‘Honour before Honours’. Here’s another 40years! Millicent A England”.
Thank you. Mrs. Millicent A England.
I wish every member of this association the best of luck for your selfless service and admonish us all to work together for the good of our Alma meter because together we shall make it.
Thank you all and God bless.
“Honour before Honours”
Siah Mary Admire Boima
Welcome to another important year of the Methodist Girls High School Old Girls Association UK Branch as we celebrate our 40th Anniversary. I am honoured and privileged to assume the role of President of MGHS OGA UK Branch (2019 – 2021). I am committed to making positive changes so that we can increase our membership and increase members participation. I also intend to improve the library facilities at the Methodist Girls High School Freetown with your support. Our first venture was the successful luncheon sale event held in April 2019. The success was realised because of the active participation of our members and friends of MGHS. We thank you all for your unflinching support. It is our goal to push forward our membership drive. I want to take this opportunity to encourage all members to renew their yearly subscription and non-members to register. Your moral and financial support will ensure we give the needed support to our alma mater. I am grateful to my predecessor, Mrs Muriel Soalla-Bell for her leadership and outstanding contributions to MGHS OGA UK Branch during her tenure and the members of all past Executive for their devoted service. I am inspired by their commitment and achievements. Indeed, the growth of MGHS OGA has been propelled collectively by our active members and the dynamic leadership of previous Presidents and Executive members. I look forward to continuing this vital work towards fulfilling our objectives of MGHS OGA UK Branch. With the current formidable team, I am confident that we will be addressing the pressing challenges. In the next two years our accomplishments will be manifested in the lives of the girls at Methodist Girls High School Freetown. To all our patrons, who have been very supportive over the years, we want to thank you immensely and we are grateful for your continuous support. To all our founding members and members who have hit a membership milestone, I want to thank you for your tremendous support over the years. Long may you live. As we celebrate our 40th Anniversary I would welcome a paragraph from our first President of this noble association Mrs. Millicent England.
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